Beauty Loves Booze created an exquisite cocktail: Lizzie's Cinnamon Sweet Tea with HEEET Cinnamon Vodka. Find the full recipe here.
HEEET Cinnamon Vodka Won Gold in Best Flavored Vodka Category
HEEET Cinnamon Vodka won Gold during Best Flavored Vodka Tasting. The judges described the palate of HEEET as "Red Hots cinnamon candy, Big Red, strong intense cinnamon, good spice, strong flavor, just a little tartness for balance, perfect on its own." Find the ratings here.
Taste the Heat: HEEET Cinnamon Vodka is Perfect for Fall
My Life On and Off The Guest List featured HEEET Cinnamon Vodka as the perfect drink for fall. " The combination of a crisp and sharp, yet smooth vodka punched up with the addition of fiery cinnamon is the perfect drink to have on a cool fall day." Read the full article here.
Review: HEEET Cinnamon Vodka by the Huffington Post
A reviewer of the Huffington Post had a taste of HEEET Cinnamon Vodka and loved it! "HEEET is, quite frankly, a game changer — the best cinnamon spicy spirit that this reviewer has ever experienced." Read the full review here.
HEEET Cinnamon Vodka Took Part in Cheers Montauk
HEEET Cinnamon Vodka went to Montauk for a day to introduce its flavors at Cheers Montauk Wine and Beer Festival. A shining sun, a fresh breeze, and live music enchanted the afternoon and the evening. It was the perfect end to the summer.
Blazing HEEET Cinnamon Vodka featured HEEET on their website as the "welcome alternative to cinnamon-flavored whiskeys."
Cocktail Recipe with HEEET Cinnamon Vodka
Nadia Murdock created a delicious summer cocktail "Feel the HEEET" with HEEET Cinnamon Vodka. She shared this refreshing recipe on her blog.
Review: Bringing on the HEEET
Edith Pierson from was ecstatic about HEEET Cinnamon Vodka. "Wow! Omg! Is all [she] can say about HEEET!" Read about her impressions here.